Welcome To The Worship Team
Welcome to our Worship Team Resource page! Here you will find all of the important information to help get you started on the team. Begin by watching the Worship Team Orientation and then the appropriate videos below.
Planning Center 101
Planning Center is how we schedule, communicate, and equip all of our teams for success before walking in on a Sunday to serve. Watch the video below to learn more.
Worship Team Planning Center
In this video you'll learn the specific ways that we as a Worship Team use Planning Center as a tool to be ready for all that God wants to do in our services.
Song Preparation
Being prepared is crucial with any team. This is especially true with our Worship Team. Here is a resource on how we handle song preparation for the weekend.
In-Ear Tutorial
As a Worship Team we leverage an app for our band and vocalists called Monitor Mix. This app allows for full control over the in-ear monitoring individually. This puts the musician or singer in the driver's seat with what they need. You can download the app at the following links: Apple or Android.